Admissions Information
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Admissions Capacity
We admit up to a maximum of 60 children each year in Foundation Stage. We accommodate children from the September following their 4th birthday until 11 years old without reference to ability, aptitude or ethnicity.
Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN that names the school as appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:
- Children in public care or previously in public care but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order.
- Children of staff where the member of staff (both teaching and non-teaching) has been employed either full time or part time at the academy for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the academy is made.
- Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the younger child.
- Pupils who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
- Other pupils.
If the admission number is exceeded within criterion (3) priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.
In the event of a place not being available you should telephone 0300 126 3000 School Admissions Team, North Northamptonshire Council. If discussion with a senior officer fails to resolve the difficulty, you have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.
The Determined Admissions Policy arrangements for the school in relation to each relevant age group at the school, including any arrangements for selection, any oversubscription criteria and an explanation of the process of applying for a school place is provided by NNC and you will find these below.
North Northamptonshire Council Admissions also deal with all in-year transfers. If you are looking to move your child mid-year, please contact 0300 126 3000 or email